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Mangal Lakshmi

A Story of Two Sisters

This is a powerful tale of sisterly devotion between Mangal and Lakshmi.  Mangal, a 35-year-old woman juggles the roles of a daughter, a wife, and a daughter-in-law with unyielding dedication. But at the core, lies her undying love for her sister, Lakshmi, who is 22 years old. Mangal treats Lakshmi as her very own daughter. Her only goal is to find Lakshmi a perfect match. A husband as perfect as lord ram, so Lakshmi doesn’t endure the hardships and turmoil Mangal is facing with her husband Adit. This is a captivating tale of Love, Sacrifice, and Mangal’s unbreakable commitment in ensuring that Lakshmi marries a man who loves and respects her.

Category: Family Drama
Production Year: 2024
Episodes -(On-Air)

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