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Strength of a Women

Shakti is a portrayal of the power of a family to dictate the fate of their daughters - Soumya and Surbhi. Soumya, an innocent girl craves for her father’s love since childhood. However, her father absolutely detests her and showers all his love and affection on her younger sister Surbhi. Unaware that the father had tried to kill her when she was born, Soumya is perplexed as to why her mother is constantly trying to protect her from her own father. What makes parents discriminate between their own daughters?

Production Year: 2016-21
Episodes: 1355 x 30’
Genre: Family Drama
Season 1a: 1 - 275
Season 1b: 276 - 597
Season 1c: 598 - 790
Season 1d: 791 - 1027
Season 1e: 1028 - 1355

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